Physical 'Staury' Session & Farm tour

DATE December 5th 2021 (Sunday)
TIME 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
VENUE VertiVegies, 85 Science Park Drive,
The Cavendish #02-05, SG 118259
AGES 4 - 7
SGD 60 per child* (original SGD 70)
*limited slots
Join us for a storytelling session of “Dina Helps Uncle Tree”, followed by a tour of VertiVegies, Singapore’s leading Indoor Vertical Farm!
🌿 Learn about air pollution and discover how trees help to protect our environment
🌿Staury reading by Vice Principal of Canadian International School, Ms. Tonia Whyte
🌿 Reinforcing interactive games and activities
🌿Indoor vertical farm tour & harvesting by VertiVegies
🌿Take home a Microgreens Grow Kit and some yummy veggies!
Choose from the options below:

Chief 'Staury' Teller
Vice Principal of Canadian International School
Tonia is a Primary School Vice-Principal and Curriculum Coordinator at the Canadian International School in Singapore, with 20 dynamic years of experience in education and leading in international schools. She is a speaker of multiple languages with a passion for inspiring and high quality picture books.
Her parents, and greatest mentors, cherished reading stories as a family and this deeply held value for storytelling has remained strong since her childhood. Tonia is particularly interested in global literacies, as well as instilling culturally responsive teaching practices in learning communities.
Tonia will be conducting the interactive readings and activity sessions.

Urban Farm Tour
Hydroponic Indoor Urban Farm in Singapore
VertiVegies is a Singaporean Indoor Vertical Farming Company committed to sustainable urban food production and community well being.
Since 2015, the Company has strived to embody sustainability in every aspect of their farming processes, and strive to produce food that respects our Planet and People. The Company operates 4 verticals across Food Production, Farm Solutions, Education and Training, and Research and Innovation.
Food Security and Nation Building is a motivation for VertiVegies to be “Farming Fresher Futures” for you and your family!
VertiVegies is our venue host and will facilitate a farm tour.