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Sea Monster Plastiko

On a visit to the beach, Dina and Dinku discover that a sea monster called Plastiko is harming all the sea creatures! Very upset upon learning this, they decide to help! How will they chase Plastiko away?



Caring for the Environment

Concept of Water Pollution



A story

3 reinforcing actitvity ideas 

Intriguing questions

Easy to learn facts on plastic pollution 

Sea Monster Plastiko

  • I'm made from PEFC certified paper in sunny Singapore. We don't contribute towards deforestation. 

Say Hello

DinoStaury is a social enterprise that creates tools that impart values & life skills to children in their formative years.

Our environment series is a standalone series born and launched in Singapore. The rest of our series ships out of India.

©2024 DinoStaury by One With Earth Pte. Ltd.

We'll be in touch very soon!

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  • DinoStaury IG
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